Message |
I have no experience with LDAP integration for JForum. Maybe you can reference this issue:
And also, you can try to use a new version JForum like JForum 2.3.4.
OK, please follow my steps:
1. Download jforum-2.3.4.war
2. Unpack jforum-2.3.4.war into jforum.war directory under D:\jboss-6.0.0.Final\server\default\deploy
3. Go to D:\jboss-6.0.0.Final\server\default\deploy\jforum.war\WEB-INF\lib, and delete the three jboss-*.jar
4. Open a cmd prompt
5. Change directory to D:\jboss-6.0.0.Final\bin
6. Execute run.bat
7. Wait for JBoss to load each war and show the message:
21:16:02,167 INFO [org.jboss.bootstrap.impl.base.server.AbstractServer] JBossAS
[6.0.0.Final "Neo"] Started in 3m:40s:877ms
8. Open a browser, and visit http://localhost:8080/jforum/
PS. I'm using JDK 6.0 Update 35 on Windows 7 32-bit.
Please make sure that you can start JBoss normally before deploy JForum 2.3.4.
I see some error message about JBoss itself:
Caused by: E:\Software_path\jboss\server\default\deploy\jbossweb.sar\server.xml (The system cannot find the path specified)
Caused by: E:\Software_path\jboss\server\default\deploy\jbossweb.sar\web.xml (The system cannot find the path specified)
There are some version conflicts of the jboss-xxx.jar which JForum used between different JBoss AS versions.
Solution: Just remove the three jboss-xxx.jar jar files under jforum.war/WEB-INF/lib:
For JForum 2.3.4:
And restart JBoss, everything will be fine.
You are installing JForum version 2.1.9 not JForum 2.3.x.
Please download the latest version from
The SQL Server support is already fixed there.
The option of database type is "SQL Server" for Microsoft SQL Server. If you can't see this in, check the install.htm file.
<td class="row1" align="right" valign="top"><span class="gen"><b>${I18n.getMessage("Install.dbType")}: </b></span></td>
<td class="row1" align="left">
<select name="database" onchange="changeDbPort(this.value);">
<option value="mysql" <#if database?default("") == "mysql">selected="selected"</#if>>MySQL</option>
<option value="postgresql" <#if database?default("") == "postgresql">selected="selected"</#if>>PostgreSQL</option>
<option value="oracle" <#if database?default("") == "oracle">selected="selected"</#if>>Oracle</option>
<option value="hsqldb" <#if database?default("") == "hsqldb">selected="selected"</#if>>HSQLDB</option>
<option value="sqlserver" <#if database?default("") == "sqlserver">selected="selected"</#if>>SQL Server</option>
<br />
<span class="gensmall">
<font color="green">${I18n.getMessage("Install.dbTip")}</font>
Peter J. Siegel has published a document about How to Setup JForum 2.3.3 with Jetty 7.6.3 and Oracle JDK 1.6.0 build 25, see the following URL if you needed.
The JForum2 Project is proud to announce the release of version 2.3.4 of JForum. This release includes bug fixes and new features compared to version 2.3.3 including:
* Update to bsh 2.0b5
* Update to Commons Codec 1.6
* Update to Commons IO 2.2
* Update to Ehcache Core 2.4.7
* Update to FreeMarker 2.3.19
* Update to HSQLDB 2.2.8
* Update to HTML Parser 2.1
* Update to JBossCache Core 3.2.7.GA
* Update to JBoss Common Core 2.2.19.GA
* Update to JBoss Logging SPI 2.1.2.GA
* Update to JDOM 2.0.2
* Update to JGroups 2.12.3.Final
* Update to Log4J 1.2.17
* Update to Lucene 3.6.0
* Update to JavaMail 1.4.5
* Update to MySQL Connector/J JDBC Driver 5.1.20
* Update to PostgreSQL JDBC Driver 9.1-901.jdbc3
* Update to Quartz 2.1.5
* Update to SLF4J-API 1.6.6
* Update to SLF4J-Log4j12 1.6.6
* Update to MS SQL Server JDBC Driver 4.0
* Update to jQuery 1.7.2
* Fix Issue 2: code-tag parsing breaks regular expressions (assumes fixed set of groups)
* Fix Issue 3: cleanup of style.css wrt table formatting
* Fix Issue 4: moderation/admin controls not shown for locked topics / cannot unlock thread
* Fix Issue 5: try harder to use browser language, don't give up after the first locale
* Fix Issue 6: hsqldb's Topic selectByUserByLimit uses wrong order of arguments
* Fix Issue 7: checkemail javascript doesn't allow "+" in email-address (common with gmail users)
* Fix Issue 8: hsqldb supports AutoKeys
* Fix Issue 9: order of search keywords has impact on results, one order returns results, the other doesn't
* Fix Issue 10: some agreement texts not in UTF-8 encoding
* Fix Issue 11: Exception thrown and shown in Browser if attachment without desription is attached
* Fix Issue 14: Invalid Oracle DB Update Script to modify default of jforum_topics table topic_views column
* Fix Issue 15: Invalid Query for Oracle DB with LIMIT statement to select TopDownloads
* Fix Issue 16: German i18n text missing
* Fix Issue 17: Admin/Set-up - changes are not saved, cannot configure Jforum!
* Fix Issue 21: SQL Error in "Top Downloads" page when using SQL Server
* Fix Issue 23: NullPointerException is thrown at net.jforum.repository.RankingRepository line 126 while iterating list
* Fix Issue 25: Stack Overflow Error at
* Fix Issue 26: RESTAuthenticationTestCase fails on oracle
* Fix Issue 27: SummaryTest.testListPosts() fail when jforum is freshly installed
* Fix Issue 28: the junit test SummaryTest depends on google's smtp serve
* Fix Issue 29: SummaryDAO seems not working on Oracle. It tries to read a blob as a String which results a NullPointerException
* Fix Issue 31: JForum doesn't start after manual installation with oracle database.
* Fix Issue 32: LuceneSearchTestCase fails
* Fix Issue 36: About Fetch mail
You can download the latest war file from the following URL, then deploy it to your Tomcat's webapps directory:
If your Tomcat doesn't unpack the war file automatically, you'll need to unpack it manually, then restart your Tomcat.
You are right. This is a bug.
The quick way to fix it is to remove this code fragment for checking with topicsPerPage limit.
I've committed a fix for it as revision 208.
The idea is to check if (start + topicsPerPage >= topicCacheSize) then reload the topics from database again.
topicCacheSize is a new configurable value in and the default value is 45:
topic.cache.size = 45
TopicsCommon.topicsByForum(int forumId, int start) is used to fetch topics in forum forumId beginning from the index start.
For example:
TopicsCommon.topicsByForum(1, 0) returns topics start from index 0 in forum where forum_id=1.
How many topics returned is determined by topicsPerPage.
And if you enable cache of topics, JForum will look for them in the topic repository(cache) first. If the topic repository for the forum forumId is empty, JForum will load topics from database and cache it.
JForum try to load all the topics from database first, and then use subList to return only topicsPerPage line of records from the start index.
If topicsPerPage = 15, and you only have 20 topics in cache for the forum, the JForum will display the last 5 topics in the 2nd page.
If you disable cache of topics, JForum will fetch topics from the database directly. But only with limit number of records (topicsPerPage) returned.
Hi sasi,
Please open the log4j to debug level for "net.jforum":
<category name="net.jforum">
<priority value="debug" />
<appender-ref ref="jforum.log" />
And check to see jforum.log has the output like:
2012-06-14 18:04:22,494 DEBUG [POPListener] - Going to check [,, port=995, ssl=true]
2012-06-14 18:04:24,647 DEBUG [POPParser] - Retrieved message [subject=xxx,,, references=null, inReplyTo=null, contentType=multipart/alternative; boundary=bcaec55239806595f304c26bd2c0, date=Thu Jun 14 18:04:13 CST 2012, content=xxx
, headers={Return-Path=<>, MIME-Version=1.0, Message-ID=<>, Subject=xxx,,; spf=pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender); dkim=pass,, Received-SPF=pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender) client-ip=;, Date=Thu, 14 Jun 2012 18:04:13 +0800, DKIM-Signature=v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20120113;
Emyw==, Received=by with HTTP; Thu, 14 Jun 2012 03:04:13 -0700 (PDT), Content-Type=multipart/alternative; boundary=bcaec55239806595f304c26bd2c0, From=Andowson Chang <>}]
1.In the Forum Admin page, choose the forum you want to allow e-mail post and click the Edit link.
2.In the Forum Edit page, check the checkbox of enable mail integration.
3.Fill in the information of the following:
Forum e-mail address
POP host
POP port
POP account
POP password
use SSL
If you want to allow your JForum user doing post from e-mail, then you can set up the mapping of your forum board and e-mail address in the Admin Panel by enable the integration first.
And then, you need to provide the connection information for JForum to fetch some new e-mail.
After that, you can do a test with a sender e-mail address which has already registered as a JForum user account.
And the receiver e-mail address is the one you set for the board.
After send that e-mail, wait a while and click the Fetch Mail link in the admin panel.
See if the e-mail become a post in the forum.
If you do manual installation of JForum 2.3.3 (and earlier version), you need to copy the content of into jforum-custom.conf.
And this issue has been reported and fixed as issue 31.
If you found a bug, please check if this bug have already been reported before you create a new issue on the GoogleCode project site.
JForum3 is still under development by the JForum team. The progress may be a little bit slow than what you expected. And I don't have any idea when it will be released. So if JForum3 is released someday, you need to use the new page layout(So, the only thing of JForum2 left is the database content).
What to do to upgrade to JForum3:
1.You'll need to do some database schema upgrade.
See this mysql script for a preview.
2.You'll need to do the look-and-feel HTML page UI customization again.
3.You'll need to check all your old data working correctly with the new software.