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Joined: 2013/12/14
Messages: 3
dear sirs,

i would like to use the jforum on JBoss AS7. After deployment and installation i have reloaded the JBoss and found that jforum wants a new installation. I have found that JBoss create in the standalone/deployment nothing. Now it create the application in standalone/tmp/vfs/temp... .Each time the Jboss starts, it creates a new dir for jforum in standalone/tmp/vfs.

I do understand, that there is not an issue of jforum, but i need a solution. Perhaps anybody has met this issue.

Second issuer. I found, that when the jforum runs local on my PC it shows all smiles by creating a new message. But if it runs on remote server (suse linux, jboss as 7) i don't see smiles.
Third issue is Captha. I don't see the captcha whether local or remote.

i ask for the help.

best regards ...

PS by me local runs the suse linux, JBoss AS 7
the remote server is openSuse 12.3, JBoss AS 7

Joined: 2011/6/30
Messages: 252
Hi, for captcha not working on JBoss 7, check this post:

And check this for running JForum on JBoss:

Joined: 2013/12/14
Messages: 3
sadly this approach doesn't work (i know JBoss 7 is cardinally changed.)

i have done your last post:
OK, please follow my steps:
1. Download jforum-2.3.4.war
2. Unpack jforum-2.3.4.war into jforum.war directory under D:\jboss-6.0.0.Final\server\default\deploy
3. Go to D:\jboss-6.0.0.Final\server\default\deploy\jforum.war\WEB-INF\lib, and delete the three jboss-*.jar
4. Open a cmd prompt
5. Change directory to D:\jboss-6.0.0.Final\bin
6. Execute run.bat
7. Wait for JBoss to load each war and show the message:

21:16:02,167 INFO [org.jboss.bootstrap.impl.base.server.AbstractServer] JBossAS
[6.0.0.Final "Neo"] Started in 3m:40s:877ms

8. Open a browser, and visit http://localhost:8080/jforum/

PS. I'm using JDK 6.0 Update 35 on Windows 7 32-bit.

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 Filesize 21 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  76645 time(s)


Joined: 2013/12/14
Messages: 3
the issue with JBoss is resolved.

see solution for detail.

the issue with Smiles is resolved too. The solution was a property value [jforum-custom.conf].forum.link. For me is not pretty clearly, why the jforum needs the ip of host to take a path to smiles (?). The host,on which my jforum runs, has no permanent ip. It means i need each day to change the property [forum.link] and reload a context of jforum on AS.

capcha is resolved due http://jforum.andowson.com/posts/list/63.page

best regards
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