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User Forum » Re:Empty list of private messages

發表人: shar
4 年 前
Thank you for your hard work. smilie

發表人: udittmer
4 年 前
OK, one more time, please, and then we're done, I promise smilie

We've added moderation log entries for when users are getting locked/unlocked, and when posts are getting rejected. For those, there are a few more:

ModerationLog.lockReason = Lock/unlock reason
ModerationLog.lockReasonEmpty = Please give a reason why you're locking/unlocking this user
ModerationLog.rejectReason = Rejection reason
ModerationLog.rejectReasonEmpty = Please give a reason why you're rejecting this post
ModerationLog.typeUserLockUnlock = User locked or unlocked

發表人: shar
4 年 前
Done smilie

檔案名稱 ru_RU.properties
描述 ru_RU.properties
檔案大小 186 Kbytes
下載次數 1204 次
[Disk] 下載

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