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Running JForum Clustered RSS feed
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Joined: 2012/1/20
Messages: 1
I've seen references to JForum being able to run in a clustered environment. Is there any documentation around setting up JForum to run clustered?

Specifically, I'm interested to know what the requirements are for running JForum clustered. Can JForum run clustered on a series of Tomcat instances or does clustering require JBoss or other servlet container? We will be running JForum using Oracle as the persistence layer. Are there clustering concerns with that we need to be aware of with this configuration?

Any information related to configuration requirements would also be very helpful. Thanks in advance.

Joined: 2011/8/13
Messages: 12
I did get it working, but I never checked it in, because I had to roll back from lucene 3 to lucene2 and change lots of stuff. This is because I had to use the compass library(which was only built with lucene 2 and has done dormant), which has a clustered database index. This allows multiple servers in a load balanced environments to see new posts on all servers. There is a catch, because the performance is a lot slower. I think the real solution is to run a separate apache solr server, and add support for forum search and posting to make calls to the solr server to add them to the index - that will be the most scalable solution.

Joined: 2019/12/20
Messages: 3
I have it clustered (2 nodes), common DB and File System.
Working fine, except that Category and Forum are loaded at application start, and not refreshed automatically on the node that you are not using when administering the forums.
Meaning, you see two different state of the forum index, depending on the cluster node you are connected.
This forces me to restart the application, which is not nice in a production environment.

So, it would be nice to have the Category and Forum list regularly refreshed (or never cached), or an option to refresh it on each node, or a cluster feature that will allow to inform the other nodes to refresh the Category and Forum list.
It could be that other features are concerned, not discovered yet, but I'mm quite new in jForum.

Can somebody include that in a next release ?
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