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Joined: 2023/3/13
Messages: 1
Hi there,

I integrated JForum2 into my Jakarta EE 8 application successfully.

Trying to migrate it to Jakarta EE 10, I succeeded with my part of the application, but I failed with JForum2, as it relies on libraries which aren't Jakarta 9+ compatible, such as commons-fileupload (which is in fact obsolete and OWASP CSRFGuard.

I'd love to use JForum2 in the future as well! Hence my question: Do you intend to migrate JForum2 to Jakarta 9+ (and therefore Java 11 as well) in the near future?


Joined: 2013/2/21
Messages: 430
I haven't encountered problems running JForum on Java 11. If there were any, that would certainly be a bug that would likely be fixed soon.

As to Jakarta 9, I have just done a quick test on Tomcat 10.1, and it seems to runs fine in Tomcat's webapps-javaee folder. Have you tried that? I'm not sure if other servlet containers have a similar facility.

As to the underlying question: eventually we'll certainly require newer Java and JakartaEE versions, but given that it seems to run fine as is, it's not a high priority right now.

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Joined: 2023/5/21
Messages: 1
floechen wrote:Hi there,

I integrated JForum2 into my Jakarta EE 8 application successfully.

Trying to migrate it to Jakarta EE 10, I succeeded with my part of the application, but I failed with JForum2, as it relies on libraries which aren't Jakarta 9+ compatible, such as commons-fileupload (which is in fact obsolete and OWASP CSRFGuard.

I'd love to use JForum2 in the future as well! Hence my question: Do you intend to migrate JForum2 to Jakarta 9+ (and therefore Java 11 as well) in the near future?


Hello, I have successfully created a patch , which makes commons-fileupload Jakarta 9+ compatible.
- Please, see: https://code.nanoboot.org/nanoboot-forks/commons-fileupload/commit/0c5fc58b5cda2948a848196ff2f91c209652ca9f
You probably will want to use only part of this commit, as there are some not needed changes.

I am successfully using commons-fileupload on Tomcat 10 (=Jakarta EE) here:
- https://code.nanoboot.org/nanoboot/nanodata
- https://code.nanoboot.org/nanoboot/color-shapes-archive

See this, here commons-fileupload and Tomcat 10 are used: https://nanodata.nanoboot.org

You can try to use this Maven artifact in your pom.xml: https://maven.nanoboot.org/#/snapshots/org/nanoboot/commons-fileupload
- But be aware, that this is a snapshot - I am going to delete old snapshots at maven.nanoboot.org in the future (I want the releases at maven.nanoboot.org to be never deleted smilie
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