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Implementing custom image gallery - Wikipedia example RSS feed
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Joined: 2021/7/2
Messages: 13
Hi team,

We noticed that attached images have their details blurred. So in case we want to add a picture of something, we might get a good rendering of it and understand what's on the picture. Nevertheless, if we attach a slide of a presentation, the text in it gets blurred and unreadable. Is it possible to add a custom gallery, alike Wikipedia one? Or maybe you have any other tips for better rendering of pictures?


Joined: 2013/2/21
Messages: 428
The scaling down of attached images is deliberate, in order not to mess up the page layout in case of large images.

What would be good to have happen is that clicking on an image opens it in full size in a new tab. That would make the text easy to read - would that help you?

Ping & Net - my free Android app for TCP/IP network diagnostics
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Joined: 2021/7/2
Messages: 13
I think that solution could be handy in case we had one / two images inside the same topic. Nevertheless, when we have more, it is not comfortable to switch between pages.

I was thinking about maybe an image preview when we hover over the miniature of the image. Would JForum support this kind of functionality?

Joined: 2013/2/21
Messages: 428
You mean something like http://cssdemos.tupence.co.uk/image-popup.htm? That might make for a useful addition.

Ping & Net - my free Android app for TCP/IP network diagnostics
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Joined: 2021/7/2
Messages: 13
Yes, that would look neat! So I understand it is feasible with JForum?

Joined: 2013/2/21
Messages: 428
It's software - just about everything is feasible smilie

What I meant is I can add that to the codebase. I'll probably get around to it soon, likely by next week.

Ping & Net - my free Android app for TCP/IP network diagnostics
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Joined: 2021/7/2
Messages: 13
That's quick, thanks! Please keep me posted on this matter.


Joined: 2013/2/21
Messages: 428
I just committed that change. It'll be in the next release (which should be out in the next month or so), or you can get it today by building from source code.

Ping & Net - my free Android app for TCP/IP network diagnostics
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Joined: 2021/7/2
Messages: 13
Thank you for the swift change! Could you provide us the source code or a convenient way to build from it? In case we would be interested in having it sooner.

Joined: 2013/2/21
Messages: 428
You can grab the source code via SVN as described in https://sourceforge.net/p/jforum2/code/HEAD/tree/, and then do something like "mvn -DskipTests=true package" which will create a deployable war file.

Ping & Net - my free Android app for TCP/IP network diagnostics
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