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list of modules in start.d or start.ini for jetty RSS feed
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註冊時間: 2019/7/24
文章: 13
Would it be possible to see a list of the *.ini files in start.d or a list of the modules enabled in start.ini required by JForum for running on Jetty?

I've been following the Jetty documentation for running as a Unix service (am implementing on Linux). Their tutorial example results in three modules being added (console-capture, http, deploy) and diagnostics alerted me to add "--module=jsp" to the mix. I'm wondering if there are others that you are using when you ran tests to check on questions from my previous posts.

註冊時間: 2013/2/21
文章: 424
Sorry, no idea. I've never run Jetty as a service or daemon.

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