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Unresolved Dependencies building jforum 2.4.1 with Maven RSS feed
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Joined: 2017/8/31
Messages: 3
Hi, I just did a fresh checkout of jforum 2.4.1 and tried to compile with maven. After a couple of minutes it exits with the following error:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project jforum: Could not resolve dependencies for project net.jforum:jforum:war:2.5: Failed to collect dependencies at com.octo.captcha:jcaptcha:jar:1.0 -> com.jhlabs:imaging:jar:01012005: Failed to read artifact descriptor for com.jhlabs:imaging:jar:01012005: Could not transfer artifact com.jhlabs:imaging:pom:01012005 from/to 3rd-party (http://forge.octo.com/archiva/repository/3rd-party): Failed to transfer file: http://forge.octo.com/archiva/repository/3rd-party/com/jhlabs/imaging/01012005/imaging-01012005.pom. Return code is: 503 , ReasonPhrase:Service Unavailable. -> [Help 1]

I'm not all too familiar with maven but the site forge.octo.com not being available seems to be the problem. Any idea how to work around this?

Can I manually download the com.octo.captcha:jcaptcha:jar:1.0 and manuallly put it in my local maven repository cache? I this is possible, how do I do it.

Help would be greatly appreciated.


Joined: 2017/8/31
Messages: 3
ok, not the most elegant but this workaround did it for me:

I downloaded and unpacked the jforum 2.4.1 war and referenced the jcaptcha and jcaptcha-api jars in the pom.

just replace the following lines in the pom.xml


with the following:


Joined: 2011/6/30
Messages: 251
You can download the attachment imaging.zip and unzip it into your local .m2 repository com/jhlabs directory.
The path should be like: C:\Users\%username%\.m2\repository\com\jhlabs

 Filename imaging.zip [Disk] Download
 Description com/jhlabs/imaging jar and pom files
 Filesize 90 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  48096 time(s)

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