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JForum 2.8.3 is out with various fixes and improvements. Read all about it here

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Joined: 2011/8/18
Messages: 2
I got the SSO working on jforum 2.1.9 implementing net.jforum.sso.SSO. Now I tried jforum 2.3.1 and it seems like this handling isn't working anymore.

Here's what's going on in 'authenticateUser':

public String authenticateUser(RequestContext ctx) {
String user = null;
try {

String email = null;
// Get UserID
Long userId = SecurityTools.getInstance().getUserIdFromCookie();
if (userId != null) {
// Determine user data from somewhere
UserData userData = response.getData(0);
user = userData.getUsr();
email = userData.getEmail();
// TODO: Adapt class ControllerUtils to use more/custom
// attributes for user creation (see
// http://www.andowson.com/posts/list/227.page)

// The password is irrelevant as the user has already logged on
// (set it anyway in case JForum uses it)
ctx.getSessionContext().setAttribute("password", "");
ctx.getSessionContext().setAttribute("email", email);


if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
LOG.info("SSO User: " + userId + ", " + user + ", " + email);
} catch (Exception ex) {
LOG.error("Problem in authenticateUser!", ex);
return user;

Please can someone explain what's missing or what's been changed between the versions?

Joined: 2011/8/13
Messages: 12
We're using the SecureSSO module (sort of meant for Grails, but I think it'll work for any java project). You might try that one:


I did find a bug that I had to fix, it would get a NPE if the SSO cookie was not set and the user went directly to the forums - the source is included so you can add a null check for that to fix it - other than that it works for us.

Joined: 2011/8/18
Messages: 2
Sorry, the fault was on my side. It's working perfectly in the new version ... one of the configuration properties wasn't set correctly. So shame on me and thanks for listening...
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